Stanlys_Terminal is a small recreation of the job/terminal that stanley uses in the game The Stanley Parable
Valorant Randomizer
A randomizer for Valorant; it has will automaticly select an agent; weapons and shields.
Vanilla Renewed is a Res pack for Minecraft that intends to optimize, improve quality of life, and fix the game in various ways. Optifine is required for the intended experience.
WinHTTrack Website Copier
HTTrack allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online.
Xcas is a Giac interface, which allows computer algebra, graphical representations in the plane or space, dynamic geometry (in the plane or in space), spreadsheet, statistics and programming.
Xcas uses the FLTK graphics library, there is an alternative project based on QT: qcas.
Shenzhen Goose Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Xiaoetong Assistant is a PC client for Xiaoetong instructors to conduct live streaming. It is suitable for scenarios that require webcams, slide presentation, drawing, screen sharing, and real-time video communication with students.
MIUI+ is a service designed by MIUI for seamless collaboration between phones and laptops. It crosses the boundary between Android and Windows and brings a great collaborative working experience to Xiaomi phone users.
Xiaomi PC software upgrade and account login service
Xiaomi Cloud Desktop
Xibo Player
Xibo Signage Ltd
Xibo for Windows Digital Signage Player, compatible with the Xibo Content Management System, and intended to be used for Digital Signage.
Agent Git
Xidicone P/L
MS-SCCI source control plug-in for Git version control.
Agent SVN
Xidicone P/L
MS-SCCI source control plug-in for Subversion version control.
Zeus IDE
Xidicone P/L
A programmer's editor/IDE that comes with support for several programming languages.
Zeus Lite
Xidicone P/L
A free programmer's editor that comes with support for several programming languages.
Ximalaya is a professional audio sharing platform with hundreds of millions of audios such as audio novels, audiobooks, bedtime stories, comic dialogues, sketches, horror story, etc. You can listen to what you want anytime, anywhere.
Ximalaya Live Assistant
Mogan Editor is a structure editor delivered by the Xmacs Labs.
Mogan Editor is a libre software forked from GNU TeXmacs.
XMake build utility
The TBOOX Open Source Group
xmake is a lightweight cross-platform build utility based on Lua.
It uses xmake.lua to maintain project builds.
Compared with makefile/CMakeLists.txt, the configuration syntax is more concise and intuitive.
It is very friendly to novices and can quickly get started in a short time.
Let users focus more on actual project development.
The full-featured mind mapping and brainstorming app. Like a Swiss Army Knife, Xmind offers a complete toolset for thinking and creativity.
XMind 8
XMind Ltd.
XMind, a full-featured mind mapping and brainstorming tool, designed to generate ideas, inspire creativity, brings efficiency both in work and life. Millions and millions of people love it.
Colin Harrison
Xming - X Windowing System for Windows
Gougelet Pierre-e
XnConvert is a fast, powerful and free cross-platform batch image converter, It allows to automate editing for your massive photo collections.
Gougelet Pierre-e
XnView is an efficient image viewer, browser and converter for Windows. This software is really simple to use and totally free for personal use. It supports more than 500 image formats!