抖音聊天 bytedance
winget install --id=ByteDance.DouyinIM -e
If you love Douyin, you can download DouyinIM desktop client to stay connected with your friends on your computer while working and studying. Here you can: - Send and receive messages anytime, anywhere, and communicate the moments with your friends; receive all messages synchronously, whether on your phone or your computer - View what your friends shared and share moments with others; you can watch short videos sent by your friends on your computer and reply to them quickly - Know your friends' online status and never be alone; you can see if your friends are online on your computer, which requires both have enabled online status indication. - Manage your messages and keep them in sync across multiple devices; You can see the messages sent by your phone on your computer, and the messages sent by your computer on your phone. - Add new friends and meet more people; you can also add new friends and quickly start new chats on your computer