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Warframe Digital Extremes

winget install --id=DigitalExtremes.Warframe -e

Warframe is a free-to-play science fiction cooperative third person shooter video game. Warframe is set in a distant future where the solar system is dominated between the Grineer, an empire race of militarized clones; the Corpus, a mega-corporation merchant cult with advanced robotics and laser technology; and the Infested, the name for a disease and its victims that devours all. The players takes the role of a Tenno, an ancient warrior created by the Orokin to battle a mysterious foe but left to slumber generations ago, until woken by an entity called the Lotus for the sole purpose of reuniting the scattered, war-torn colonies throughout the system. The players are always pitted against enemies in superior numbers. To this end, players have at their disposal a varied arsenal of weapons both archaic and modern, and most notably, their most powerful weapon—the titular Warframe, each of which has a particular set of abilities. Despite being primarily a shooter game, the gameplay has a definite focus on the synchronization of players' arsenal, allowing for limitless creativity in combat.
