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Tabby Eugene Pankov

winget install --id=Eugeny.Tabby -e

Tabby is a highly configurable terminal emulator, SSH and serial client for Windows, macOS and Linux


👋 Managing remote environments? Check out Warpgate, my smart SSH/HTTP/MySQL bastion server, it works great with Tabby, you'll love it.

👋 Tabby-web is looking for sponsors. As I can't afford to host it myself any longer, I'm looking for a sponsor to cover the hosting costs. If you're interested, please get in touch!


Tabby (formerly Terminus) is a highly configurable terminal emulator, SSH and serial client for Windows 10, macOS and Linux

  • Integrated SSH and Telnet client and connection manager
  • Integrated serial terminal
  • Theming and color schemes
  • Fully configurable shortcuts and multi-chord shortcuts
  • Split panes
  • Remembers your tabs
  • PowerShell (and PS Core), WSL, Git-Bash, Cygwin, MSYS2, Cmder and CMD support
  • Direct file transfer from/to SSH sessions via Zmodem
  • Full Unicode support including double-width characters
  • Doesn't choke on fast-flowing outputs
  • Proper shell experience on Windows including tab completion (via Clink)
  • Integrated encrypted container for SSH secrets and configuration
  • SSH, SFTP and Telnet client available as a web app (also self-hosted).


What Tabby is and isn't

  • Tabby is an alternative to Windows' standard terminal (conhost), PowerShell ISE, PuTTY, macOS and iTerm

  • Tabby is not a new shell or a MinGW or Cygwin replacement. Neither is it lightweight - if RAM usage is of importance, consider Conemu or Alacritty

Terminal features

  • A V220 terminal + various extensions
  • Multiple nested split panes
  • Tabs on any side of the window
  • Optional dockable window with a global spawn hotkey ("Quake console")
  • Progress detection
  • Notification on process completion
  • Bracketed paste, multiline paste warnings
  • Font ligatures
  • Custom shell profiles
  • Optional RMB paste and copy-on select (PuTTY style)

SSH Client

  • SSH2 client with a connection manager
  • X11 and port forwarding
  • Automatic jump host management
  • Agent forwarding (incl. Pageant and Windows native OpenSSH Agent)
  • Login scripts

Serial Terminal

  • Saved connections
  • Readline input support
  • Optional hex byte-by-byte input and hexdump output
  • Newline conversion
  • Automatic reconnection


Tabby will run as a portable app on Windows, if you create a data folder in the same location where Tabby.exe lives.


Plugins and themes can be installed directly from the Settings view inside Tabby.

  • docker - connect to Docker containers
  • title-control - allows modifying the title of the terminal tabs by providing a prefix, suffix, and/or strings to be removed
  • quick-cmds - quickly send commands to one or all terminal tabs
  • save-output - record terminal output into a file
  • sync-config - sync the config to Gist or Gitee
  • clippy - an example plugin which annoys you all the time
  • workspace-manager - allows creating custom workspace profiles based on the given config
  • search-in-browser - opens default system browser with a text selected from the Tabby's tab
  • sftp-tab - open sftp tab for ssh connection like SecureCRT
  • background - change Tabby background image and more...
  • highlight - Tabby terminal keyword highlight plugin
  • web-auth-handler - In-app web authentication popups (Built primarily for warpgate in-browser auth)



packagecloud has provided free Debian/RPM repository hosting

keygen has provided free release & auto-update hosting


Pull requests and plugins are welcome!

See and API docs for information of how the project is laid out, and a very brief plugin development tutorial.

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
