Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application
DbGate - (no)SQL database client
DbGate is cross-platform database manager.
It's designed to be simple to use and effective, when working with more databases simultaneously.
But there are also many advanced features like schema compare, visual query designer, chart visualisation or batch export and import.
DbGate is licensed under MIT license and is completely free.
Create issue, if you find problem in app, or you have idea to new feature. If issue already exists, you could leave comment on it, to prioritise most wanted issues
Platform independent - runs as web application in single docker container on server, or as application using Electron platform on Linux, Windows and Mac
How to run development environment
Simple variant - runs WEB application:
yarn start
If you want more control, run WEB application:
yarn # install NPM packages
And than run following 3 commands concurrently in 3 terminals:
yarn start:api # run API on port 3000
yarn start:web # run web on port 5001
yarn lib # watch typescript libraries and plugins modifications
This runs API on port 3000 and web application on port 5001
Open http://localhost:5001 in your browser
If you want to run electron app:
yarn # install NPM packages
cd app
yarn # install NPM packages for electron
And than run following 3 commands concurrently in 3 terminals:
yarn start:web # run web on port 5001 (only static JS and HTML files)
yarn lib # watch typescript libraries and plugins modifications
yarn start:app # run electron app
How to run built electron app locally
This mode is very similar to production run of electron app. Electron doesn't use localhost:5001.
npm install -g yo # install yeoman
npm install -g generator-dbgate # install dbgate generator
cd dbgate-plugin-my-new-plugin # this directory is created by wizard, edit, what you need to change
yarn plugin # this compiles plugin and copies it into existing DbGate installation
After restarting DbGate, you could use your new plugin from DbGate.
DbGate uses pinomin logger. So by default, it produces JSON log messages into console and log files. If you want to see formatted logs, please use pino-pretty log formatter.