winget install --id=SiberSystems.RoboForm -e
1) One click convenience - RoboForm securely stores all of your passwords and logs you in with a single click (or tap). Save time entering personal and billing information with AutoFill for long web forms. 2) Multi-platform support - RoboForm is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android with support for all their respective major browsers, including Microsoft Edge. 3) Create stronger passwords - RoboForm's random password generator will create a strong and unique password for each site. Say goodbye to using weak or duplicate passwords for everything. 4) Share Logins securely - Securely share Login information with other RoboForm users. Simply enter the recipient's email and share away. 5) Stronger security - To protect your data, RoboForm uses AES-256 bit encryption with PBKDF2 SHA-256. Support for two factor authentication (2FA) to access your account.