neofetch-win nepnep
winget install --id=nepnep.neofetch-win -e
Simple, ultra-lightweight neofetch clone for Windows 10+ written in C++ and installable through winget(?). The executable is just under 70KB and requires no dependencies other than the MS Visual C++ redists (which should be installed already, and if they're not my installer will take care of that for you :)
Simple, ultra-lightweight neofetch clone for Windows 10+ written in C++ and installable through winget. The executable is just under 75KB and requires no dependencies other than the MS Visual C++ redists (which should be installed already, and if they're not my installer will take care of that for you :)
2024-03-27 - Thanks for 50 000 downloads!! 🥳🎉
winget install neofetch
That's it
Used to only compile in C++20, now should build with older standards (tested and working for C++11 and 14)
Run from project root directory
msbuild.exe /p:IncludePath=. /clp:ErrorsOnly /p:Configuration=Release
Evil Jay — Today at 7:05 PM Well you're gonna have a hard time selling your bootleg neofetch :stoichSlow:
made with love by nepnep